Donald Trump Jr. recently launched a Telegram channel, “The Defiant Ones.” The Telegram channel promotes a new crypto project by the Trump family. “The Defiant Ones” is in place to provide details about the latest Trump family crypto project. It will help to clear up any confusion. Eric Trump announced it earlier in August, and it has generated a lot of buzz since then. 

The Donald Trump family has shown huge interest in crypto, making it a part of their campaign. Let’s dive into the details of their new channel

What We Know So Far

There are not many details about the new Trump family crypto project. But the excitement around the project is palpable. The Trump family allegedly created the “Defiant Ones,” for information purposes, and the channel currently boasts around 19,000+ members. In addition, around 1,000 new members join the channel every 30 minutes. This marks “The Defiant Ones” as one of the most active channels on Telegram.

Source: X

If you are an active participant in the crypto market, you already know the Trumps’ doings. Having launched successful NFT collections, the Trump family seems well-versed in crypto. They have a huge fanbase and see the potential of crypto for fundraising, creating an element of excitement around the project.

Why Telegram?

Telegram is the major community platform for crypto projects. Crypto enthusiasts use the platform because it is user-centric and has excellent trading tools.

By choosing Telegram, Donald Trump Jr. moved to connect with a cryptocurrency audience. This ensures that crypto updates on the project reach the right audience, and those eager to invest can do so without much hassle.

Political Context

The timing of this announcement is perfect, as it is during a period of intense political activity. The presidential election is approaching, and crypto and Bitcoin will play a significant role. There is a need for more clear crypto regulations that consider users. Voters are watching how candidates will handle crypto-related issues. The crypto community will be excited if candidates do the right thing by creating sensible crypto regulations.

Source: X

Senator Chuck Schumer’s push for crypto regulations could influence people’s views of the Trump family’s project. As election debates and campaigns intensify, the role of crypto in politics is becoming clearer. Senator Schumer is a Democrat while President Trump is a Republican. This Senate bill could help make crypto a non-partisan issue in the US at election time.


Trump Jr.’s Telegram channel, “The Defiant Ones,” is gaining attention as it shares details about the Trump family project. This project could impact crypto and politics with the upcoming and increased focus on crypto regulations. Stay tuned for more updates as the project unfolds, and be part of this significant journey.


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