Look no further than crypto to find a job that is creating a lot of attention right now. In recent years, the number of bitcoin and blockchain professions has exploded. Furthermore, many businesses have big problems with filling crypto positions. It is an issue that frequently makes headlines.

These are the hottest crypto job positions at the moment:

  • Developer

When it comes to crypto jobs, the most popular is probably blockchain developer. There is potential in other industries that rely on distributed ledger technology. Such as healthcare, finance, and transportation.
Salary: Up to $250k + Tokens/Equity

  • Marketing

The company’s main goal for this role is to reach out to customers and manage all of the company’s communication channels. In addition, the Marketing department’s mission is to increase return on investment. It is done through promotions and advertising, resulting in direct and indirect sales.
Salary: Up to $250k + Tokens/Equity

  • Community Manager

The community manager is a non-technical crypto job that pays well. Technically, this position falls within the marketing and customer service categories. The mission is to develop a dynamic, positive community of supporters while also ensuring that any issues that emerge are addressed.
Salary: $70k to $120k depending on experience

  • CTO

A chief technology officer (CTO) is in charge of leading the creation and distribution of technology for external customers, vendors, and other clients in order to improve and expand the business.
Salary: $200k to $400k + Tokens/Equity

  • Project Manager

When a company wants to adopt a new blockchain solution, it usually needs a project manager, ideally one who has worked in the industry before. If you choose a career in this field, you’ll be doing tasks such as gathering requirements, planning, team oversight, budget management, and more.
Salary: $120k to $250k + Tokens/Equity

Crypto Jobs Skyrocketed in 2021

According to a recent LinkedIn study, job postings for crypto-related positions grew about five times in 2021 compared to the previous year. According to the analysis, postings with titles containing phrases like “Bitcoin,” “Ethereum,” “blockchain,” and “cryptocurrency” increased 395 percent in the United States from 2020 to 2021. This was much higher than the 95% growth in job postings in the broader tech industry over the same time period.

According to LinkedIn, most job posts are in software and finance. Also, other industries, such as professional services like accounting and consulting, are seeing an increase in demand for crypto expertise.

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Above all, for more cryptocurrency news, check out the Altcoin Buzz YouTube channel.


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