Telegram Founder and CEO Pavel Durov tweeted yesterday warning users about an overheating Telegram server cluster that could affect the app’s performance. Commenting on this tweet was an individual who managed to gain access to a verified twitter account.

Fake giveaways have plagued the crypto community on Twitter for the last few months. The @club8music handle belonged to a Swedish musical band known as “Club 8”, and the hackers changed the name and avatar of the verified account to make their scam seem more credible.

This scam represents only the most recent use of a verified Twitter account for a crypto scam. Earlier this year, similar scams using verified accounts have presented themselves as Tron, Verge, BitFinex, and others. According to Twitter “The blue verified badge on Twitter lets people know that an account of public interest is authentic.” Twitter has stated that changing usernames should result in the loss of the verified badge, but clearly, scammers are finding some sort of loophole. Twitter should prioritize seeking measures to combat this issue on their platform.


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