3 SUPER CHEAP Solana NFTs That Can Make You RICH!

Solana made a massive comeback post FTX contagion. And so did Solana NFT sales. Currently, Solana NFTs are part of the second biggest NFT ecosystem after Ethereum and there are some really cheap and interesting collections in this ecosystem. 

Our research team and I found three promising NFT projects in the SOL ecosystem, where we expect tremendous room for growth. One of these projects is working on a game changer for Solana NFTs. So, make sure to read until the end of this article to see which project we are talking about. It’s time to fasten your seatbelts, here we go.

Solana NFT #1: Zilla vs Kong

My first pick of the day is Zilla vs Kong (ZvK). The team behind this project has this as their main collection. However, they offer more tools around it, and the most important one is staking. 

Let’s first look at their floor price and background, though. The floor price is currently at 4.7 SOL. It’s a rather small collection, with only 888 items. They minted just a year ago, on 19th of February 2022. The SOL price was $90. There are 67 items listed, which equals 7.5%. Their ATH was at 22.5 SOL, shortly after they minted.

Utility for Zilla vs Kong

The most interesting utilities are their staking rewards and revenue share. This revenue share comes from their games. The team already has a game in Roblox, and they’re building a new game. They also have an interesting ecosystem. That’s what all of today’s collections have in common. ZvK has, for instance:

  • Snapshots by ZvK: Their floor is at 0.14 SOL, so it is a cheaper way to enter the ecosystem. However, without the revenue share, but you get access to their toolkit.
  • Baby Zilla vs Kong: You can breed these with a Zilla and a Kong and some native $SNAP. You can earn SNAP from their staking mechanism. It takes 15 days to breed a Baby ZvK, but you get access to a Snapshots Quartz pass. You will also get access to their ZvK DAO. Their floor is 0.3 SOL with a total supply of 444.
  • Their Toolkit is an analytics system and it’s also a snipe tool. In other words, a great tool for buying and researching NFTs. It’s available to all collection holders and some selected partners. 

You receive access to the Snapshot Snipe V1 toolkit in their Discord. That is, once you’re a holder of one of their collections. Time to change the scenery and have a look at my next pick. That’s the Cyber Samurai collection.

Solana NFT #2: Cyber Samurai

Cyber Samurai has more than one collection in their ecosystem. Just like all projects today. Their floor price is currently 5.9 SOL, but it keeps bopping up and down, up to 10 SOL. The collection has 5k items. This is the Tensei Gen 2 collection that replaced the pixel art Sosen Gen 1 Collection. There are only 120 listed, which is 2.4%.

Like the other Solana NFTs today, they offer plenty of utility. Their mission is to onboard new users to DeFi with NFTs. The team doxed, and the project is well structured. In their Discord, you can find a link to their whitepaperTheir utility has 5 main parts:

  1. You get access to DojoDB, that’s their own, exclusive NFT trading software. Made by flippers, for flippers.
  2. They offer ‘training’, which is soft staking. So, when your Samurais train (=staking) they earn rewards.
  3. Merch, they offer a streetwear collection.
  4. And they have a comic book collection. The pages come as 462 NFTs. Their floor price is 0.75 SOL. The team adds new pages on a regular basis.
  5. They also offer Soosh. It’s the food for the training Samurais. If you train, you get hungry, right? Once you collect 6 of these, you get a free mint for their next project. Holding them also gives 10% off from their streetwear. Their collection is 6.6k and their floor is 0.725 SOL. Their rarity also plays a role, with the Sake bottles being the rarest.

So, tell me, do you like the Cyber Samurais? Is this something you can get into? In the meantime, I take you to the next project, the one that has the Raid2Earn upgrade coming. That’s the Alpha Pharaohs ecosystem. Let’s dig in and have a look at them, this might be a game changer for Solana NFTs.

Solana NFT #3: Alpha Pharaohs

Alpha Pharaohs has 6 collections. Of this, the Alpha Pharaohs is their flagship and Gen 0 collection. Their mint price was 0.169 SOL in June 2022. SOL was around $33. Now their floor is 15.29 SOL and SOL is around $24. Out of a collection of 5555, there are 110 listed. That’s not even 2%. Their ATH was 20 SOL.

So, once you get your hands on one of the Pharaohs, you enter the Scared Society. This is a private Discord channel. That’s when you get access to all their utilities. Alpha, WL, giveaways, tools, etc. For instance,

  • Tools with the Seer collection. Their floor is at 5.06 SOL, with a 1,6k supply.
  • Jewels of the Desert, earrings and other jewelry. Get in now at a floor of 0.49 SOL. Their utility is still a mystery.
  • Degen Pharaohz, get revenue share from their casino. There are only 555 of these. Their floor is at 5.46 SOL.
  • TombRaid. This is their Raid2Earn platform that I was talking about will act as a game changer for Sol NFT ecosystem.

This is the platform that they are about to upgrade. As a result, this should revolutionize the Raid2Earn space. Currently, you can get 0.01875 SOL per raid. The team is about to double this. That’s all I know at the moment. 

How Alpha Pharaohs Works?
  • A client pays 1 SOL, and gets 162 organic raiders on their tweet. The 62 first raiders get this 0.01875 SOL reward. This is 90%. The other 10% come from a raffle of another 100 raiders. So keep an eye out on this, to see how it will change.
  • Once TombRaid receives its upgrade, they can easily hit that 20 SOL ATH again and beyond.

Do you own any part of the Alpha Pharaohs collection? Are you as excited about them, as I am? Keep an eye out for them. This may well be a game changer for Solana NFTs.

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