world of women

Hello Sunshine is partnering with World of Women to bring their NFT collection to the big and little screens.


Reese Witherspoon’s production company Hello Sunshine announced a massive partnership last week. First reported by Variety, Hello Sunshine will develop World of Women (WoW) feature films and TV Shows. This announcement is making NFTs in movies and TV shows a reality. Hello Sunshine is the production company behind movies and shows like:

Witherspoon has been a supporter of this collection since the fall. She even has a profile picture from the collection. Witherspoon told Variety:

“We’re proud to partner with WoW to expand their universe of characters and to develop innovative scripted and unscripted content. We look forward to engaging with the remarkable WoW community at every step of this partnership and creating opportunities for WoW holders to work collaboratively with Hello Sunshine on transforming the WoW art into powerful stories.”

What is World of Women?

WoW is the most successful female-centric NFT collection. The collection really gained traction earlier this year. The floor price is up from 2ETH on Jan 1, to its current valuation of 8.59ETH. The project has seen 54.5K ETH in volume since its inception as well.

First released in July of 2021, the project offers complete CCO ownership over the holder’s NFT. This means that they have complete ownership over the IP and artwork of the NFTs they hold. Holders can create their own IP with the NFTs they own, without fear of DMCA from the collection creators. Owners of projects offering CCO own every piece of their NFT, down to the art that represents the token. Other projects that offer this same agreement to holders:

WoW is looking to unite women in the Web3 space through this collection. The project is looking to increase female representation in the space. At one time, this representation was estimated to be ~31%. WoW has had a large hand in changing that, and is continuing to push this representation forward, as well as supporting causes that give back to powerful and diverse women. Learn more about the collection on their official site!

Traditional Mainstream Mediums Embrace NFTs

This has kind of gone under the radar the last week. I’m not sure people get the gravity of this announcement yet. The representation of NFTs in Movies and TV Shows should be community-wide news.

NFTs having actual integration into traditional media is massive news. Prior, the only representation that NFT collections have seen are by endeavors the community itself creates. TV Shows, Merchandise and other real-world utility have been previously gated within the NFT community. Those on the outside are unaware of what’s going on within the NFT space. It’s still pretty common rhetoric that people are buying JPEGs when they buy an NFT.

The only ones that can typically access the utility NFT collections provide are the ones that hold assets from the collection. What Hello Sunshine and Reese Witherspoon are doing is opening the access to NFTs. Representation of assets from the collection won’t be gated to the NFT community. Instead, they will be represented on the scale that Gone Girl and The Morning Show are. Owners from this collection can realistically see their NFTs in movies soon. This is massive news for not only the WoW collection but NFTs as a whole. As more people understand that NFTs are actually ownable assets, and not just JPEGs, the more collectors we will see.

By the way, since the project is CCO if Hello Sunshine wants that NFT in their IP they will need to own it. If they want that character in their shows, they need to own it! So that means, those that own the rarest and most recognizable WoW will probably be courted by production companies very soon.

NOTERemember always to do your research, make your own decisions, and invest in projects that interest you!

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