As you may already know, Telegram is the most used chatting app among crypto firms and enthusiasts. It currently has more than 300 million users around the world, and it will soon have a wallet integration that will allow its users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

Button Wallet has launched a testing platform on Telegram’s Open Network (TON) yesterday, the 26th of August 2019. The firm is encouraging people to come and test the platform by giving away Gram tokens.

Alex Safonov, CEO of Button Wallet, said:

Cryptos biggest obstacle is mass adoption and what we’ve created will help people comfortable with trading cryptocurrency without using real money.”

Alex added:

Our goal is to give people an avenue to participate in peer-to-peer transactions without risks on one of the largest messenger platforms, Telegram. This will help teach consumers the ins and outs of how the messenger banking ecosystem works, creating consumer confidence and furthering mass-market adoption of digital assets.”

When should we expect the official launch?

It is scheduled for launch sometime in October, this year. However, we don’t have any exact date available at the moment.

A big slice of Telegram users is currently involved in crypto, but this is still great news. Enabling trading to millions of people will help the adoption a lot. We should expect 2017’s volume coming back in slowly. After all, we are at the beginning of the bull run.


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