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Market gains 17 billion after Bitcoin jumps 400 dollars

About an hour ago, Bitcoin suddenly bounced after hitting a new low of $5825. The short pump that lasted only 30 minutes, let Bitcoin...

Bitcoin Is Still Alive says Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly, CEO of BKCM LLC, an independent firm specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain-focused investment opportunities, is not prepared to write Bitcoin obituary just yet. In...

Tether Transparency Update – FSS Report

New Tether report shows it's fully backed by US dollar. Tether has re retained the law firm of Freeh, Sporkin & Sullivan LLP ("FSS”) to provide...

CIA on the Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, “Can neither confirm nor deny”

The search for 'Satoshi Nakamoto' intensifies after news about a CIA statement started to circulate on the internet. Since 2008, the identity of the legendary...

How Blockchain will Affect on Passports?

Mandar G. Chaphalkar, Senior Technology Architect at Infosys, discusses in an exclusive article by Infosys for Information Age, whether it is possible to use blockchain...

Russian corporations form Joint Venture to use Blockchain

MegaFon, Rostech, Gazprombank, and USM created a joint venture to use blockchain. Multiple Russian corporations, including the state-owned Gazprombank, have created a joint venture to...

South Korean Government set to Regulate Cryptocurrencies, creating a Legitimate Industry

In a positive step forward by the South Korean government, regulations will be implemented to ensure cryptocurrency exchanges are classified as a legitimate financial...

Hotmail Founder Claims Cryptocurrencies Are Fraud

Warren Buffett has found an adherent: Speaking to Arabian Business, Hotmail founder, Sabeer Bhatia, has slammed cryptocurrencies claiming that they are "too good to be...

Hybrid Blockchain: The Best of Both Chains

Guest Author: David Freuden - blockchain advisor   A Google search with the words ‘hybrid blockchain’ yields roughly 756,000 search results.  This isn’t many, when compared to...

Bittrex Launches USD Pairings

Bittrex is launching USD pairings for Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), and TrueUSD (TUSD) for corporate customers in Washington, California, New York, and Montana. U.S. based...