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OPINION: Bloomberg Contradicts its Claim, Bizarre FUD

Wall Street has once dreamt big when it comes to cryptocurrencies, says Bloomberg. Now it allegedly does not. But what if I told you...

Will The Token Taxonomy Act Bring Regulatory Clarity? Investors Hope So

Two U.S. Congressmen, Warren Davidson and Darren Soto, are looking to bring regulatory clarity to the markets by introducing a bill called the “Token...

Pump-and-Dump All Around. New Report Exposes Massive Scam on Messengers

A new report entitled "The Economics of Cryptocurrency Pump and Dump Schemes" by the Social Science Research Network has revealed that numerous fraudsters operate on popular...

Opacity Introduction – Community Speaks

The Community Speaks segment is written by select members of cryptocurrency coin or token project communities who want to update the Altcoin Buzz Army...

Hong Kong Caught the Mainland’s Bug: Crypto Regulation Tightening

The Hong Kong Regulatory body, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), is concerned about money laundering and fraud in the crypto world. Hence its representatives...

Coinone Transfer Chooses RippleNet for Its Latest App

Coinone Transfer, a subsidiary of the South Korean crypto exchange Coinone, has unleashed Cross, a mobile app for remitting funds abroad. The app, which has been...

Looking For FUD? A Harvard Economist is Ready to Share Some

The British newspaper the Guardian has published an opinion piece by Kenneth Rogoff, professor of economics and public policy at Harvard University. The good news...

NEWSFLASH: This was the NEWS

In “This was the NEWS” we take a look at the most important news of last week. What has happened in the crypto space...

Ripple Gets Praise

Ripple, which is one of the hottest coins this fall, has managed to draw attention from multiple market players. The latest company to express...

Grudges and Conspiracy: SEC Has to Explain Its ETF Approach

The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently decided to postpone its decision on the VanEck/SolidX ETF application. Gabor Gurbacs, director and digital asset strategist at VanEck, took...