Business Partnerships

Welcome to the Business Partnerships section. Here you will find out all you need about the latest and most important business partnerships amongst blockchain companies and collaborations between real-world businesses and cryptocurrency entities from around the world.

Trace Labs’ nOS Uniswap

Trace Labs’ nOS Integrates Uniswap as LPS

Trace Labs' Network Operating System (nOS) has announced the integration of Uniswap v2 as its Liquidity Provisioning System (LPS). According to the reports, Trace Labs’...
IOHK joins Hyperledger

IOHK joins Hyperledger – A Multi-Blockchain World

In the month of June, Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), the technology company behind Cardano became a new member of Hyperledger. As IOHK enters...

Maker Approves KNC and ZRX as Collateral Assets

On June 28, the governing body for MakerDAO approved KNC and ZRX as collateral assets in the Maker Protocol. KNC is the native token of...
DigiByte ThreeFold

DigiByte Partners with ThreeFold

DigiByte Foundation and ThreeFold Foundation announced their collaborative partnership. The partnership between DigiByte and ThreeFold is aimed at achieving their common vision of building a...
OpenCart integrates Pay plugin

OpenCart Integrates Pay Plugin

Popular cryptocurrency fintech platform has announced that its payment app checkout plugin is now available on the e-commerce platform OpenCart. OpenCart has over...
BancorV2 Announce Kyber Network Crystal (KNC) as Launch Pool

Bancor v2 Announce Kyber Network Crystal as Launch Pool

On 24 June, Bancor announced that Kyber Network's Crystal (KNC) will serve as a Bancor v2 Launch Pool. According to the tweet by Bancor, KNC...
Particl marketplace adds privacy token Zcoin

Particl Marketplace Adds Zcoin

The world’s arguably most private and decentralized marketplace Particl has disclosed plans to include privacy token Zcoin (XZC) on its platform. This means users...
Ontology Integrates Chainlink

Ontology Partners Chainlink

Decentralized technology platform Ontology has announced a strategic integration with Chainlink. The partnership will open up Ontology platform to Chainlink bespoke oracle data service, creating...
Hg Exchange

Singapore Fintech Sandbox Welcomes Hg Exchange

Hg Exchange, a new securities exchange platform, has been welcomed into the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Fintech Sandbox. Based on reports, the Hg exchange...
Elrond partners with just mining

Just Mining and Elrond Partnership

Proof-of-Stake (POS) decentralized platform has announced a partnership with Just Mining. The french-based platform Just Mining will help run Elrond nodes while also assisting...