Facebook Reportedly Pitching its Crypto coin to Crypto Exchanges

Facebook, the social networking giant with more than 2 billion users, has held talks recently with crypto exchanges about listing of its crypto coin....

Pundi X Blockchain Phone Enables Switching Between Blockchain and Android

Blockchain device manufacturer Pundi X revealed that the new blockchain phone that will be released later this year allows users to switch between blockchain...

Opacity is Ready for the Future: Introducing Opacity 1.0

After Bruno Block, founder of Oyster Pearl, performed an exit scam, a lot has happened with the project. The new CEO of Opacity, Jason...

Tron (TRX) February 28th Hard Fork will include Institution-Friendly Features, Justin Sun Confirms

Tron, one of the largest blockchain-based platforms and owner of BitTorrent, will launch hard fork 3.5 on February 28th. Justin Sun, Tron CEO, has confirmed...

BREAKING! Coinbase Pro is Adding XRP

Today is the day that so many people in the XRP community have been waiting for. Coinbase Pro just announced the listing of XRP...

Electroneum Launches Revolutionary Cellphone, Introducing M1

Electroneum just took one giant leap for crypto and blockchain adoption. The CEO of Electroneum, Richard Ells, just released their very own M1 cellphone...

Will Crypto.com Accelerate the Transition to The World of Crypto?

Crypto.com is gathering pace. Launched in June 2017, they have managed to attract many crypto enthusiasts for its pioneering payments and cryptocurrency platform. They have...

Samsung Confirmed: Galaxy S10 Will Include Private Crypto Key Storage

Adoption is coming: Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S10, will include a dedicated secure storage function that is designed for cryptocurrency private keys. We've witnessed...

TomoChain Wallet App Gets Updated!

On February 3rd, TomoChain creator Long Vuong tweeted out an important upgrade for the TomoChain Network and its wallet. Tomomaster and D-App Browser are...
NEO Economy Launches Token Swapping Platform

NEO’s Decentralized Exchange Nash (NEX) Beta Version to be Launched Soon

The decentralized exchange, Nash, which is built on NEO was announced at Neo DevCon 2019. Fabio C. Canesin, the Nash co-founder made the announcement...