CRO Price Prediction

CRO Price Prediction

1 coin also known as CRO is the native token of offers products along three verticals: Payment, Trading, and Financial Services. CRO is...
MKR Price Prediction

MKR Price Prediction

MakerDAO is an open-source project on the Ethereum blockchain and a Decentralized Autonomous Organization created in 2014. The Maker Protocol, also known as the Multi-Collateral Dai...
CRO Price Prediction

CRO Price Prediction

CRO is the native cryptocurrency token of Chain. is a decentralized, open-source blockchain developed by the payment, trading and financial services...
ONE Price Prediction

ONE Price Prediction

The network aims to innovate the way decentralized applications work by focusing on random state sharding, which allows creating blocks in seconds. Focusing on processing...
okb price

OKB Price Prediction

OKB is the OKEx utility token that enables users to access the crypto exchange's special features. The coin is used to calculate and pay trading...
SLP Price Prediction

SLP Price Prediction

Axie Infinity uses a dual-token mechanism - AXS (Capped Supply) and SLP (Uncapped Supply). In this article, we are going to discuss about the...
OSMO Price Prediction

OSMO Price Prediction

Osmosis (OSMO) is the first IBC-native Cosmos interchain automated market maker (AMM) that allows for cross-chain trading on the Cosmos chain. Osmosis is an automated...
MOOV Price Prediction

MOOV Price Prediction

Dotmoovs' goal is to provide a mechanism to precisely measure and compare each athlete's performance regardless of where they are in the world. The...
CEL Price Prediction

CEL Nearing 50 Cents as Traders Look For a Bottom?

Celsius is one of the biggest lenders in the crypto business with around $11.8 billion in assets. The company makes money by lending out...
Vintage Tokens

What’s Next For These Vintage Tokens? EOS, MKR and ZEC

The old, major projects were impacted by the cryptocurrency collapse, and it might be challenging to identify viable tokens during a bear market. Few...