Ledger Live is currently being targeted by hackers on Windows OS. The hackers use malware that intends to steal the 24-word phrase once introduced.
What is Ledger Live?
Ledger Live is a desktop app available for Windows and Mac OS that allows users to manage the Ledger hardware wallet and their crypto assets.
How does this malware work?
The malware is targeting the local Ledger Live files and replaces them with other files. Users will experience a screen asking to introduce the 24-word phrase in order to unlock the wallet (fake update). Once the phrase is introduced, it will be sent to the hacker. This is a phishing type of method, making it harder to get detected by the antivirus.
Which OS’s can be affected by this attack?
At the moment of writing this article, the malware is only infecting Windows OS. The Mac OS seems to be safe. It’s highly unlikely to spread to Mac, however, be cautious. Ledger Live will never ask for the phrase after an update.
How can you get infected?
It’s uncertain at this point how one could get infected by this malware. I suspect one could get it by downloading certain infected files, torrents, or by visiting malicious websites or ads.
To stay safe on the internet I recommend using an ad blocking (Brave browser has this feature by default) and good antivirus software. Always be careful with what sites you visit and with what download (also torrents). You may want to disable the browser scripts as well.