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Top 3 DeFi platforms

A Guide To The Top 3 DeFi Platforms

DeFi keeps gaining in popularity. The option of no middlemen and high-yield lures in new users every day. Some people even talk about institutional...
Kusama ecosystem defi moonbeam Sushiswap

Which Two DeFi Platforms Will Join Kusama Ecosystem?

Moonbeam will integrate the popular SushiSwap decentralized exchange to boost DeFi on Kusama's ecosystem next month.  In an announcement on October 26th, SushiChef stated that...
What is orion protocol

Orion Protocol, One of the Most Unique DeFi Aggregator Platforms

The crypto ecosystem is made of several different spheres. These spheres require a reliable bridge to communicate and interact, hence the need for an...

3 DeFi Auto-compounders Platforms to Boost Your Staking Rewards

Crypto traders have finally come to terms with the volatility of the market. The sudden fall of Bitcoin from grace (many believe it would...

dWallet Network Bringing Native Multi-chain DeFi To Monad

This is the season of many new partnerships in DeFi. One partnership that has been turning heads is that of dWallet Network and Monad. Let's...
Aptos Forms DeFi Gateway with Microsoft, Brevan Howard, and SK Telecom

Aptos Forms DeFi Gateway with Microsoft & Finance Giants

This collaboration aims to bridge the gap between traditional financial institutions and DeFi. The 'Aptos Ascend' partnership offers banks a smooth gateway into DeFi...
Crypto.com DeFi Wallet Integrates with Jupiter for Solana Swaps

Crypto.com DeFi Wallet Integrates with Jupiter for Solana Swaps

This update lets Crypto.com DeFi Wallet users easily and efficiently swap tokens on the Solana blockchain. Jupiter Exchange, a prominent player in the Solana ecosystem,...

Jupiter’s (JUP) DeFi Dominance: Key Updates and Milestones

The platform's recent updates have been turning heads in the industry, showcasing its significant growth and widespread adoption. Here's a closer look at Jupiter's...
XLINK Launch: Bridging Bitcoin to ETH for Enhanced DeFi Transactions

XLINK Launch: Bridging Bitcoin to Ethereum to Boost DeFi Transactions

XLINK is a native Bitcoin Bridge that connects it to Ethereum's ecosystem. The launch marks a significant leap forward in the quest for a...
veTokens, A Game-Changer in the DeFi Ecosystem

veTokens, A Game-Changer in the DeFi Ecosystem

This revolutionary concept is reshaping governance mechanisms. One example is PancakeSwap. It is at the forefront of embracing this transformative technology. Let's discover more about...